REVIEW: Blink, Headgate Theatre, Colchester Fringe Festival ✭✭✭✭✭

Guest Reviewer Noah Pantano reviews Blink, performed at the Colchester Fringe Festival.


Blink Colchester Fringe

Headgate Theatre, Colchester Fringe Festival.
5 Stars
Colchester Fringe Website

Guest Reviewer Noah Pantano reviews Blink, performed at the Colchester Fringe Festival.
I went into Blink not really expecting much. I’m not one for rom-com. Like Terry Geo, the star and writer of Blink, I get icky whenever romance enters the picture (much to the dislike of my own boyfriend.) But like love, it comes when you least expect it. I didn’t come to Blink expecting to love it, but damn it, I fell in love.
Terry is a natural storyteller and comedian under brilliant direction by Paul T. Davies. With wit, humour, and heart, he guides the audience through a whirlwind romance. Little jokes come back at unexpected moments often leading to big laughs and surprisingly… tears. I admit it. I cried. I sobbed. What they don’t tell you before this show is that there’s more under the surface of the cheesy rom-com it advertises itself as.
Terry says the show has taken a toll on him because of its emotional content. This was likely the last performance ever of this show. I don’t blame him. For a show advertising itself as a gay rom-com, I left the theatre distraught. But that’s the beauty of the show, it knows how to sneak deep emotions up on you (like love?)
Terry. If you’re reading this, please don’t let this be the final time this is performed. Blink: A Gay Rom-Com is such a beautiful piece and it’s a story that needs to be told. Now excuse me… I need to go buy a füchenschwing from IKEA. I heard it’s great for your back.
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