REVIEW: Wolf Hall and Bring Up The Bodies, RSC ✭✭✭✭✭

Bring Up The Bodies RSC

It is as near perfect a piece of dramatic theatre as one is ever likely to see. What Herrin and his team have achieved here is utterly, unquestionably remarkable. It is good old-fashioned entertaining theatre, built solidly with fine acting and a tremendous narrative. There are no “concepts” here – just a desire to tell a marvellous theatrical tale.

INTERVIEW: Alexandra Spencer-Jones, Artistic Director

Alexandra Spencer-Jones

Ewan Stuart talks to the artistic director of Action to the Word Theatre Company. Alexandra Spencer-Jones has previously worked on Constance & Sinestra and the Cabinet of Screams, for which she won the MTM:UK award for Best Emerging Artist, and A Clockwork Orange which has now embarked on a world tour. Her current show The Oresteia: Part 3 Eumenides opens at Camden People’s Theatre. The Oresteia: Part 3 Eumenides is the final part of a trilogy of plays you’ve been working on. What is it all about? Essentially the three parts are a struggle from darkness into light, so you have to go through all the grist to get to salvation, it’s the Ancient Greek’s version of the Christ story, and the creation of democracy in the purest sense of the word. So this third part is all about tying up a lot of the wrongs and pulling not just … Read more