UPCOMING: Bare Essentials, Seven Dials Club

Bare Essentials New Writing Night

Bare Essentials Seven Dials Club Saturday 28th January New Writing shows always tell you a lot more about the producers than the writers, and this one is no exception. The star here is producer Liam Fleming, whose jolly, bouncy, avuncular ‘bear-ish’ persona dominated events: he is the classic salesman, urging you to close the deal and tweet your approval of his wares at every step of the way – he even runs a ‘competition’ during the show to find the best promoter of his goods. His outfit, ‘Encompass Productions’, which he shares with the less visible Jonathan Woodhouse and Rachel Owens, must be doing magnificently well because they hired the bar and performance space of Covent Garden’s coolly hip Seven Dials Club for this showcase of the work of six authors. Scott Mullen was on first at he runs a nice line in Capra-esque comedy, with sharp dialogue and bold … Read more