The 5 Worst Musicals – An Opinion

Worst musicals ever written.

Anyone who knows me will tell you that I love musicals. So I was intrigued to see that Chris Caggiano who teaches musical-theatre history at the Boston Conservatory had compiled an online list of the worst 50 musicals ever. I have to say from the start that I disagree with about 70% of his list, but it did prompt me to think about shows I consider truly awful. I couldn’t come up with 50 but I did come up with five. I limited my list down to shows I had actually seen, which made it all the more challenging. Let’s face it, amongst musical theatre fans talk of legendary flops and terrible shows is usually not just limited to those we have seen, but by word of mouth from others who were in attendance. Just to be clear we aren’t talking about musical flops here. Sometimes they are one and … Read more