REVIEW: Blow Hole, Pleasance Dome, Edinburgh Fringe ✭✭✭

Paul T Davies reviews Blow Hole written and performed by Benjamin Salmon playing at the Pleasance Dome as part of the Edinburgh Fringe.

Blown Hole Edinburgh Fringe
Photo: Darren Bell

Blow Hole
Pleasance Dome
10 August 2023
3 Stars
Book Tickets

Having seen as many LGBTQ plays as I have, especially gay plays, there is now a firm narrative for the plight of the modern homosexual. The perils of online dating, looking for romance in a technology-driven world, urban isolation, (usually in London), and the presence of Chemsex. All these elements are there in Benjamin Salmon’s script and performance.

Blow Hole Edinburgh Fringe
Photo: Darren Bell

Salmon has created engaging characters and his fixed smile really points towards the despair of modern life. He works on the reception of a yoga studio, and there are plenty of gags about the healthy lifestyle with owner Star being a string satirical creation. It’s also performed on a wonderful, compact set. But it is a story I feel I’ve seen many times.

Although it adds little to the genre, Blow Hole is a pleasant hour in the company of good acting.

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