THROWBACK THURSDAY: Tarinn Callender - Original cast member Hamilton London

Published on

July 29, 2020



This week in our Throwback Thursday series we speak to Tarinn Callender - original cast member of Hamilton London.

Tarinn Callender

Tarinn Callender 1.  What was your first ever show that you did as a kid, and what was it that got you into the theatre world?

The first show I remember doing as a kid was an end of year performance. I was in year two and the picture you see below is me singing in this show. I remember after this performance my teacher coming up to me and my mum saying, “I think Tarinn should take this more seriously”. He recommended me to a Saturday theatre school which I attended for a few months. It’s safe to say that without this teachers recommendation, I wouldn’t have a clue about performing (shout out Jason Thomas!)

2. What is your process each night when you get into character for a show? My process is pretty simple, “be better than yesterday”. I trust the work that I’ve done in the rehearsal room, listen to the notes provided by the all creatives and run with it. For me all the real work should be done in the rehearsal room, all that I’m trying to achieve every night is staying true to the character and giving a performance the audience deserves.

Tarinn Calender

3. What was it like being in ‘the room where it happens’ It was a unique experience knowing that we were all coming together to create something that had never been seen in London before. We had a huge responsibility but found joy in the pressure the show came with. So in truth, indescribable. It was just the best. 4. Tell us about one of your best/funniest memories on stage?

Because of the nature of the show being so fast, so clean, so detailed, it’s really funny when anything goes wrong. Hamilton is on a continuous metronome, so when something goes wrong you can’t go back, re-correct yourself and pretend it was a character choice- that moment has passed; and whatever you’ve said, you’ve gotta go with it. I remember coming out for my final line - starting it, but never finishing it. I froze, and just let the music play. Still, I tried to make it a character choice, but it just doesn’t work. ONE of the funniest moments I had on that stage.

Hamilton West End

Cleve September (Laurens), Jamael Westman (Hamilton), Jason Pennycooke (Lafayette), Tarinn Callender (Mulligan) in Hamilton 5. How are you keeping creative in lockdown? It’s been really difficult. I like making videos and creating funny things for people, but I just didn’t think it was appropriate. I found myself writing loads of things down for potential videos and never executing them. I had to find another way of being creative. So out came the puzzles, out came the colouring pencils and out came the boardgames. This was a moment for me to be creative for me. I’m so glad I took that time. 6. What three things can we always find in your dressing room? I.e Lucky charms...things that help you on m&ms.. Three things you always find in my dressing room: 1. Coco butter 2. Curling sponge 3. Lucozade 7. What is your favourite Cast Album to listen to right now? Favourite cast album right now is hands-down “legally blonde” 8. If your life were a musical what would it be called, and why? ”October 16th.” - Because it’s the day I was born and the start of my story.

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