The Way Old Friends Do, Criterion Theatre - Review Round Up

Published on

September 1, 2023



We look at what the critics thought of The Way Old Friends Do which transferred to the Criterion Theatre after touring.

The Way Old Friends Do

Photo: Darren Bell

Hallard’s script is good-hearted, soused with affection and nostalgia, and with the knowledge that ABBA fandom brings with it an embrace of naffness.

Evening Standard At its heart, The Way Old Friends Do is a love letter to not just ABBA but being a fan of an artist or group in general. It is instantly relatable to anybody who has ever found themselves singing into a hairbrush, dressing up like their idols or annoying their friends by quoting random facts nobody ever needed to know or filling conversations with unnecessarily inserted song lyrics. All That Dazzles Why bother refracting the ABBA experience through this storyline when so many other comparably themed shows are available to playgoers? The Way Old Friends Do trades on an audience’s natural kinship with its subject and then, much like Christian in the play, betrays that trust. London Theatre

This play is an absolute delight; it is a very well written and hilarious ode to ABBA. The characters are witty without becoming stereotypes and there is heart and emotion without cheese. Get a ticket and don’t miss this wonderful show.

Broadway World The Way Old Friends Do is a gorgeously realised super trouper of a play that’s well worth taking a chance on. We've done it all before and now we're back to get some more; you know what we mean, Besties... West End Best Friend

Simultaneously tender and laugh-out-loud funny, this heartfelt story will appeal to anyone who understands how it feels to be a fan: of ABBA or of anyone.


For a perfectly enjoyable evening with some lovely sentiments, especially if you’re an ABBA fan, it’s probably worth a visit while it’s here.



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