Royal Albert Hall Box Office Staff Learn Klingon

Published on

March 1, 2018



Box Office staff at the Royal Albert Hall have undertaken a crash course in Klingon, ahead of the venue’s ‘Star Trek - In Concert’ and ‘Star Trek Beyond – In Concert’ events in June.

Royal Albert Hall Box Office Staff Learn Klingon

Employees were asked to take classes in the ‘language’ after the Hall announced it would give two free tickets to anyone ordering in Klingon. The Royal Albert Hall called in one of the world’s foremost experts in Klingon, Alex Greene, to help the team master the warrior language. Lucy Noble, Artistic Director at the Royal Albert Hall, said: “Star Trek is a timeless classic with a huge cult following. We wanted to celebrate it and reward real Trekkies with this opportunity to win free tickets for those booking in Klingon. “I think the Box Office probably thought I was joking when we asked them to take Klingon lessons. But now they are chatting regularly in Klingon, I think they realise it’s an essential life skill that all should learn.” Mr Greene commented: “not Holvam Qatlh charghchu'laH QuchDu' Hab ghajbogh Humanpu'vetlh, 'ach jInmolvam quvvaD, tlhIngan Hol lughojmeH Humanpu', vItIv."* *(“These simple humans with their smooth foreheads will never fully master my complex language, but I’m happy to help them learn enough to run their silly project.”)

Mr Greene, from North Wales, is a lifelong Trekker and started learning Klingon in 1986. It took him a year to master the intricate, guttural pronunciations, but he hopes his work and the ‘Star Trek In Concert’ events might “inspire a few more humans to learn Klingon.”

The ‘Films in Concert’ screenings of ‘Star Trek’ and ‘Star Trek Beyond’ are two of the centrepiece events in the Royal Albert Hall’s much anticipated Festival of Science Series, which will be running in May and June 2018.

Audiences to the Star Trek weekend in June will see the 2009 and 2016 reboots of this legendary franchise played out on the big screen. The epic scores will be performed live by the Royal Philharmonic Concert Orchestra, conducted by Ernst Van Tiel.

The soaring and action-packed orchestral score for both performances was written by Oscar®-winning composer, Michael Giacchino. With a set of all new themes, but also reprising the beloved title melody from the TV series by Alexander Courage – the music does not just break new ground, but also captures and advances the musical universe of Star Trek.

  10 COMMON, AND SLIGHTLY LESS COMMON, KLINGON PHRASES TO HELP IN EVERYDAY LIFE KLINGON ENGLISH TRANSLATION nuqDaq ‘oH tach’e’ Where's the bar? Dunqu' J.J. Abrams, 'ach Hov leng mIllogh much wa'DIch vImaS J.J. Abrams is great, but I am a purist and prefer the original Motion Picture Hab SoSlI’ Quch Your mother has a smooth forehead DI'or 'oH Dochvetlh'e'? chaq waghqu' 'a Du'IHmoHbej! Is that Dior? It is simply divine! Heghlu’meH QaQ jajvam Today is a good day to die chaj, not tlhejnISbej buqvetlh waqmeyvetlh je! Babes, that bag with those shoes is all kinds of wrong qaStaH nuq jay’ What the #$*@ is happening? Hov leng QoQ muchvaD cha' chaw'mey vIje' vIneH I would like to book two tickets to Star Trek in Concert nuqDaq buqHomwIj vIlanpu? wuS rItlh naQ vIlo' vIpoQnIS Where did I leave put my handbag? I need to touch up my lipstick tlhIngan maH We are Klingon!


To enter, simply call the Royal Albert Hall Klingon Box Office on 020 7959 0597, order your tickets in Klingon, but leave your name and phone number in English to be in with a chance of winning free tickets to ‘Star Trek - In Concert’. The first 10 people to book in Klingon will win two tickets each.

For more information and to book tickets, please call 020 7959 0597 or visit Star Trek – In Concert

Saturday 2 June, 14:30 & 19:30

Star Trek Beyond – In Concert

Sunday 3 June, 14:30


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