REVIEW: Breaking Up With Jesus, The Space On The Mile, Edinburgh Fringe ✭✭✭✭

Published on

August 17, 2023



Paul T Davies reviews Breaking Up With Jesus at The Space On The Mile at the Edinburgh Fringe.

Breaking Up With Jesus

Breaking up With Jesus

The Space on the Mile, Edinburgh Fringe

4 Stars

Book Tickets

Joseph Richards has created a part stand up, part monologue, about the clash between Christian teaching and human nature and desire that does not fit into a heteronormative dictate. It's a deeply personal story, totally engaging, told with confidence and passion.

Richards talks to us directly, and the genius is in treating Jesus as a boyfriend, one who lets you down at key moments, has love for other people and isn't exclusive, and makes unreasonable demands that don't bring joy. Instead, depression and deep misery will occur if your sexuality and gender do not fit that restrictive narrative.

It's funny, has an excellent balance of rage and sensitivity and avoids preaching! There is a respectful nature to it, but Richards is clear on the toll breaking up with Jesus has taken. Music is also an integral part of the show and I left being very moved and reflective.

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