Iris Theatre launch fundraising appeal to ensure company's future

Published on

May 15, 2020



Iris Theatre announced the launch of a fundraising appeal to guarantee the company's future following the cancellation and rescheduling of its 2020 season.


Iris Theatre London

The Iris Theatre operates alongside the Actor's Church in Covent Garden

Iris Theatre's production of A Midsummer Night's Dream directed by Carberry and Teresa Burns' new adaptation of Robin Hood directed by Rafaella Marcus which made up the innaugural season of new executive team Paul-Ryan Carberry and Paul Virides will now take place in 2021.

Paul-Ryan Carberry, Artistic Director, said today, “It has become clear that  presenting our inaugural season as Iris Theatre’s new leadership will not be possible, therefore we have taken the sad, but necessary, decision to postpone our summer season until 2021.

“Postponing, while essential to ensure the safety of the company, staff and our audiences, is a decision that puts Iris Theatre at an immediate risk of collapse, particularly as our Arts Council emergency funding application was unsuccessful. Sales from the summer season account for 80% of our projected income this year, and without it our company is in need of help and support. We’d be hugely grateful for those who may be in a position to do so, to please consider supporting us during this time.

“Iris Theatre is a charity that works to promote education in the arts, and we are committed to continuing this work both supporting those freelancers and Start scheme participants that we’ve already engaged as well as looking to at how we can continue Platform, which champions emerging artists, as well as support those seeking various careers in the theatre industry, we look forward to sharing more soon.

This crisis will not beat us, but we need people’s support now more than ever.”

People can support Iris Theatre in a variety of ways, please find details below:


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