Briefs Return To London Wonderground This Summer

Published on

May 13, 2015



Aussie burlesque troupe Briefs return to the London Wonderground in August and Sptember 2015.

Big top Bravado meets boyish burlesque, comic campery meets contemporary circus, shameless splendour meets sensational spectacle.  After a critically acclaimed debut in London, Briefs is back with their heart-stopping belnd of Australian machismo, cabaret burlesque and punkish swagger.

In the run up to their season at London Wonderground in Ausgust and September they are performing at major events all over the UK including West End Live, The Glastonbury Festival and Pride.

The six Aussie and one New Yorker are powered by a fierce energy as they mix up a potent blend of drag, glamour and athleticism, infused with dancing, tumbling, juggling, acro-balancing, trapeze, hula hooping, lip syncing, sequins feathers and frocks.

Incorporating whole portions of new material into some of the Briefs’ favourite fare, the show combines an eye-popping blend of dog show satire, intimate yo-yo tricks, wind machines, Busby-Berkeley spectacle, pure burlesque and an array of serious circus skills.

Since their last appearance in London the troup have performed in Brighton, Berlin, Edinburgh, Darwin, Perth and Adelaide and will debut in Hamburg and Paris before their return to London in August.

Briefs perform at London Wonderground from 5th August to 27th September.


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