
Published on

November 10, 2021

Pantomime Guide East 2021




Welcome to our listing of  Pantomimes in England's East in 2021. A true British institution panto returns this year after many productions were abandoned in 2020 due to the pandemic.

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Cinderella Bury St Edmunds


Theatre Royal Bury St Edmunds

26 November - 16 January 2022


It’s a busy day in Bury! On Butter Market Square, Buttons the barrow boy flogs his fruit. On Hardwick Heath, Prince Charming frets over his future. And up at Sickworth House, Kylie and Miley are making Cinderella’s life a misery. Poor old Cinders! All she knows is domestic drudgery, day in, day out…but this day is different, this day is special and when this day is done, nothing will ever be the same again.

Becky Sanneh (Cinderella), Chris Clarkson (Kylie Grizzle), Craig Painting (Mylie Grizzle), Beth Tuckey (Grizelda Grizzle), Rosemary Annabella Nkrumah (Fairy Godmother), Howie Michaels (Buttons), Felicity Houlbrooke (Miss Van Dini), Samuel Knight (Prince Roger). Join us for a tale laced with laughter and love; plus the ugliest sisters you’ll ever be likely to meet.


Opening Night Media Ltd
3rd Floor, 80 St. Martin’s Lane
Covent Garden
London WC2N 4AA

The British Theatre website has been established to celebrate the rich and diverse theatrical culture of the United Kingdom.  Our ethos revolves around encouraging and nurturing the performing arts in all its forms. The spirit of theatre is very much alive and the British Theatre website is at the forefront of delivering news and information to audiences and enthusiasts everywhere. Our team of theatre journalists and reviewers are working hard to cover productions and news.

We are constantly developing the site and are always open to receiving feedback from our readers. Join our mailing list to be kept informed of all the latest news that is of interest to you..

Opening Night Media Ltd
3rd Floor, 80 St. Martin’s Lane
Covent Garden
London WC2N 4AA

The British Theatre website has been established to celebrate the rich and diverse theatrical culture of the United Kingdom.  Our ethos revolves around encouraging and nurturing the performing arts in all its forms. The spirit of theatre is very much alive and the British Theatre website is at the forefront of delivering news and information to audiences and enthusiasts everywhere. Our team of theatre journalists and reviewers are working hard to cover productions and news.

We are constantly developing the site and are always open to receiving feedback from our readers. Join our mailing list to be kept informed of all the latest news that is of interest to you..